

EAFPS Deep Extended Lift Course 

EAFPS Deep Extended Lift Course 

It is with my great pleasure to present the course focused on facial rejuvenation which will take place in Milan on 13 and 14 January 2023. The Deep Extended Lift has aroused a lot of interest in those involved in facial rejuvenation and like all surgical techniques,...

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Nasce la Milano Face Institute Academy

Nasce la Milano Face Institute Academy

MILANO FACE INSTITUTE ACADEMY. ✅ Follow us @milano_face_institute_academy  More info coming soon… on https://mfiacademy.it Milano Face Institute Academy offers training, lectures and surgical solutions designed to maximize the learning based on a...

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9° Congresso Nazionale AICPE_22-24 aprile a Sorrento #savethedate@motiva_italyofficial ✌🏻@motivaimplants  🗓24 Aprile h 10:00Congresso @aicpe - Sorrento Motiva workshop 💜

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Il 4-5 dicembre 2016 a Mosca, presso l'Istituto di Chirurgia Plastica e Cosmetologia, via Olkhovskaya Via, 27, il dr. Alessandro Gualdi terrà un seminario su: "Utilizzo di Endotine nella chirurgia del ringiovanimento facciale"   Vantaggi dei morsetti Endotine...

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